Is Your Joint Disorder Stopping You From Living Life to The Fullest? |
Finally A Real Solution To Joint & Bone DisordersRelieve from Pain, Feel Better Than Ever With This 100% Natural Special ProteinUsing ‘Food As Medicine’ Without Drug Side Effects To Create The Perfect Health
As you may recall, the ’60s and ’70s began a new era in health. It was a time when medicine and its scientific method wrestled with the world of alternative and complementary healing to cure disease. But as medicine and science advanced in the 1980s , it was the new era of medicine, and pharmaceuticals were thought to be the answer to most every question.
This is a lazy way of looking at science and cures. As one of history’s greatest inventors Thomas Edison wrote years ago…
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
A century later, his message is still true. Easy-swallowing pills and medicines are not the answer to everything. Many simple common-sense activities promote good health and prevent aging disease.
So here is probably something you didn’t know and you’ll be shocked at just how many ways that a special protein can help you achieve optimal health and prevent premature aging.
This very special kind of protein is – COLLAGEN. It can help you to supports your joint and bone health and optimum joint mobility, build lean muscle, not to mention gives you smooth beautiful skin.
Do you have any of these early warning signs of premature aging and it’s making you miserable?
- Joint aches and pains – you are losing flexibility and mobility…bending, reaching and lifting are increasingly difficult. Body aches and pains are becoming constant companions.
- Aging skin – do you see wrinkles, bags under your eyes, loose skin, dark spots and unhealthy complexion?
- Lack of energy – of not having the energy and vitality you had 10 or 5 years ago and not getting a good night’s sleep.
Fortunately, now there is something you can do about it without prescription drugs.
You will discover the secrets of a powerful, all-natural pure collagen that can help you maintain healthy, pain-free joints and bones in your knees, hips, ankles, neck, back, wrists and more. In return, live without stiffness and soreness.
What is Collagen and Why do you need it?
Collagen is the most abundant and important protein in the human body. It accounts for about 30% of the total protein in the human body that plays many roles in maintaining good health.

Collagen comprises of a specific amino acids composition that holds all the structures of the body together (ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bone), supporting our organs and keeping skin firm and elastic.
Humans produce collagen naturally. Older collagen fibers are broken down in the body and replaced by new collagen fibers.
However, as we age our body loses its ability to make collagen. Starting from age 25 onwards the body collagen production slows down and by age 65, our bodies produce barely half as much collagen as they did when we were younger.
Other factors influencing our body natural collagen production are excessive sun exposure, smoking, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, stress, certain diseases and other environmental factors.
Lower collagen production consequences:
- Joint stiffness, discomfort and pain
- Joint, bone and muscle disorders – arthritis, osteoporosis, back-ache, fractures
- Slow recovery from injuries
- Sagging skin, deep-wrinkles form, older looking skin
- Loss of energy and fitness
- A wide range of health concerns

Research and clinical studies conducted internationally by scientists discovered intake of collagen in daily diet is able to promote the metabolism of collagen in the body.
Metabolism of collagen in human body is to remove aged collagen fiber and to synthesize new collagen fiber for substitution.
Supplementing with collagen protein as a dietary supplement provide the body with the amino acids necessary to manufacture and support collagen in order to remain healthy and active.
Scientific reports submitted state that giving the hip and lower back bones collagen is effective for people that have lower back pain, and that it has made the blood vessels stronger in people that have hardening of the arteries or other such ailments.
Collagen has long been used by millions of people around the world in foods, cosmetics, personal care and medicine, indicating that collagen is a highly safe material with no or little reported side effects. Numerous studies confirm it is considered to be a dietary supplement with high level of safety for long term use.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) categorized collagen as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status. To date, the FDA has ruled out any serious intolerance reactions or toxicity from hydrolyzed collagen, as well as adverse interactions with food or medications.

Where does the collagen required by human body usually come from?
Collagen is commonly found in animal-derived foods. Animal’s skin, scales, tendon, ligaments, bone, cartilage and internal organ in our food is rich with collagen.
When these entered our body, it will first be digested to amino acid (basic composition unit of protein) before transported to every spot of the body, and synthesized into collagen required by our body.
Meat, fish and poultry products supply collagen, but the most collagen-rich parts usually don’t make it to your plate. Tendons, cartilage and skin consist mainly of collagen and cooks often trim out these tough and fatty tissues.
Bones also contain much collagen, but they seldom become part of the meal. You could make collagen soups with the scraps and bones instead of throwing them out.
Traditional chicken soup are usually slow cooked for long periods (4-6 hours) until the cartilage around the joints melt and the bones begin to break down extracting collagen and nutrients from the bones.
The liquid that accumulates in a roasting pan beneath meat or poultry also makes a thick collagen broth. As the liquid cools, the collagen portion forms a layer of gelatin in the bottom of the pan with fat solidifies on top.

Then again there are…
Bird nest, sea cucumber, shark’s fin or fish maw (Cantonese referred to as ‘fa kau’) which “ is all about collagen”. These are “Food as Medicine” which we are eating for health.
Bird nest and fish maw are excellent source of collagen which are very much into beneficial for overall well-being, ageing well and capable of preserving radiant complexion. For generations, Chinese believes in taking bird nest and fish maw for collagen renewal.
But at the same time, these collagen-rich foods, bird nest, fish maw, sea cucumber, shark’s fin are all extremely expensive and tedious to prepare.
It is not practical to consume these daily.
There are also the worries of fakes and the inability to distinguish the genuine ones, not to mention those chemically bleached or dyed with colour.
Further, it is difficult to consume enough of these foods to equal the amount of collagen needed by the body.
In general, fish maw has about 25% collagen and 75% carbohydrate. Bird nest has about 49.9% collagen, 30.6% carbohydrate, 4.9% iron, with other elements made up of its balance.
Did You Know?
The collagen which obtains from traditional cooking method has very high molecular weight making it difficult to be absorbed by our body. Only a tiny fraction of it is actually absorbed by our body.
Most will just pass through the body without ever having been used. As a result most of the collagen in this form is excreted unused from the body as waste.
You may not be getting all the collagen protein you need from the food you eat!
Collagen needs to go through a hydrolysis process to break down the collagen’s large molecular weights before the body is able to absorb it.
This break down provides low molecular weight collagen which eases the digestion and absorption of amino acids by the intestine faster directly into the bloodstream, rather than being digested like other protein foods.
Collagen that went through the hydrolysis process (Hydrolyzed Collagen) provides the maximum bioavailability, and the best possible results.
FISHKOL™ Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen
The power of Fishkol pure hydrolyzed collagen comes from the culmination of many years of research and development. The human body responds just as naturally to Fishkol™ collagen as your own self-produced collagen.
Evidence shows Fishkol™ hydrolyzed collagen delay the effects of aging by promoting joint and bone health, and prevent the formation of deep-wrinkles and fine lines as well as improves skin moisture level, smoothness and suppleness.
Fishkol™ collagen shows you how you can take control of your own health. Beat your joint and bone health problems to claim the healthier, happier life you deserve.
We strive to contribute to the betterment of people’s life through high quality collagen.
Collagen deficiency can impact a person’s quality of life in the following areas:
- Affects the physical activities you’re able to do
- Forces you to cut down on your daily activities
- Causes you day-to-day pain
- Reduces your energy level
- Interferes with your overall health
Fishkol™ Collagen allows you to enjoy life again. It supports optimum joint mobility and reverse your joint/bone disorders…….erase the pain and slow the deterioration caused by the aging process without drug side effects.
Unlike most healthy life changes, taking Fishkol™ collagen is an easy habit to acquire. Taking 10 grams of Fishkol™ collagen powder a day mix in a glass of drinking water is all you need to safeguard against the stresses of modern life and the effects of aging.
If you are taking Fishkol™ specifically for serious joint and bone disorders, 20 grams a day will dramatically replenish your natural collagen levels leading to a number of welcome physical benefits.
Why Fishkol™ Pure Premium Collagen? Here’s why…
- Pure hydrolyzed collagen extracted from red snapper scales. Nutritional studies and scientific research show that fish scales are rich in a host of nutrients especially collagen
- High grade quality collagen with high efficacy and bioactivity. Small molecular weight and contains a unique combination and ratio of amino acids, most importantly glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. These amino acids are the main agents stimulating the regeneration of the cells present in skin, joints and bones.
- Manufactured in Japan with leading advanced collagen based research and technology to provide the most effective option in collagen supplement
- Highly purified, with neutral taste and odorless in powder form to be easily added in beverage and food
- 100% Natural and free of additives, chemicals, sugar, fats and other ingredients/substances for the purest collagen
- Highly soluble in its granulated powder form. Dissolves easily in hot and cold liquids
- Safety assurance. Environmentally-friendly production processes guarantee the highest degree of purity, quality and product safety. Every production lot of Fishkol™ Collagen has been carefully tested for heavy metals, microbiological contaminants and radioactivity.
Comparison of Different Collagen Makers
Not all collagen are created equal. Below photo is the comparison of Fishkol™ Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen with different collagen available in the market from different countries.
As can be seen the purity of Fishkol™ premium collagen is much higher in terms of clarity, color and transmittance when dissolve in water as compared to other collagen in the market. It has almost neutral taste and odorless.
The clarity, color, transmittance, smell and concentration of each collagen peptides depends on the raw materials e.g. pig, cow or marine; the manufacturing process; and treatment used. For example, raw material such as pig skin contains more fats than other raw materials such as bovine (cow) and fish, and to get a clear collagen extraction from pig skin is more difficult than others.
Also it depends on the collagen maker’s manufacturing techniques and process. Fishkol™ collagen is a culmination of many years of research and development. It is manufactured in Japan with leading advanced collagen based research and technology.
Fishkol™ collagen uses a proprietary process resulting in the purest collagen formulations in the industry. Nothing else comes close.

In order to choose the better collagen supplement, consider the collagen manufacturing process, the origin of the raw material, product purity and the real content of collagen in the product.
When taking a collagen supplement, you want the maximum benefit of the ‘actual collagen’. Collagen supplements with flavors, sugars, fillers or additional ingredients are either unnecessary, or can even impede the effects of the collagen. Also they can compete for absorption with other additional ingredients.
Further, sugars and flavorings may contribute to glycation in the body, counteracting the good effects of collagen, and providing unwanted calories to your daily intake. It is also not suitable for diabetic person.
Fishkol™ is 100% natural pure premium collagen without mixing with any other ingredients, substances or vitamins. It is sugar-, fat-, coloring-, chemical-, glutten-, additives- and preservatives-FREE for optimum bioactivity level.
Hence it is the most economical approach and effective collagen product that one can buy.
It also has an added step in its manufacturing process in which the collagen peptide is granulated to its fine-grained granule form giving it its “instant dispersal” property with low molecular weight for rapid absorption by our body.
Fishkol™ Collagen is extracted through a hydrolysis process using pure physical methods, without any trace of chemical residue.
It is natural, odorless, colorless, and tasteless for an extremely high degree of purity compare to other forms of collagen. Fishkol™ is “Just Pure Collagen”. We even recommend that you just mix it with water to make your very own “Collagen Water”.
Fishkol™ Pure Premium Collagen efficacy is extremely high compared to other general collagen supplements in the market.
Who needs Fishkol™ Collagen?
- Are you suffering from arthritis, osteopenia or other joint and bone disorders?
- Are you an athlete or an active adult prone to sports and exercise injuries?
- Would you like to stay young-looking longer and feel better than ever?
- Do you like to spend time outdoors with sun exposure?
- Do you smoke?
- Do you have poor eating habits?
The Surprising Benefits of Fishkol™ Collagen
Here is what Fishkol Pure Premium Collagen Does:-
Natural Support For:
- Joint & Bone Health
- Skin Health
- Recovery from Sports and Exercise Injury
Slow Down the Effects of Aging

Collagen has been known for its many health benefits such as its abilities to effectively treat arthritis, joint discomfort and back pain relief whether from old age, injury or surgeries, and treat wounds and burns, but it is often overshadowed by the popularity on its affects on skin.
Researchers around the world have been working with collagen as prevention and treatment i.e. medical supplement for arthritis as well as to boost joint health and flexibility.
More and more people especially the elderly are reaping the benefit of taking Fishkol™ collagen as a natural solution for maintaining joint mobility.
Collagen acts as an anti-inflammatory and has been known to offer significant relief from osteoarthritis pain.
When the joints become inflamed, they swell and become difficult to move, and many arthritis sufferers find that they cannot perform everyday tasks, hence affect their quality of life.

Arthritis breaks down natural collagen in the body. The breakdown of collagen, how it affects arthritis and prove of collagen benefit to arthritis sufferers have been the subject of many studies.
The joint naturally contain levels of collagen, and taking collagen supplements can possibly help to regrow this type of protein in the joints in order to reduce joint loss.
Medical studies have also shown that collagen significantly increased bone growth and bone density. For older adults, lessened bone density can lead to fractures and easily broken bones because of the fragility of their bones.
We strongly encourage you to look into Fishkol™ collagen, the most effective and purest collagen product for maintaining your joint and bone health.
Fishkol™ Collagen gives you results you can feel
Many Fishkol’s consumers have reported that Fishkol collagen has given them noticeable osteoarthritis pain and back pain relief within three weeks.
Some reported they can feel the difference as fast as within 2 hours after consuming. This is because every individual body responds to nutrients differently. They are fast-acting because they are rapidly absorbed through the blood stream.
Fishkol collagen will help your body to rebuild, stabilize and strengthen your bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and muscles to gain more mobility and experience the aging process more gracefully. Include Fishkol collagen to your daily health habit and see the difference.
Is Your Computer Giving You A Pain In the Neck?

Are you suffering from the classic “computer neck syndrome”? Are your computer, laptop, smartphone and iPad giving you constant pain in the neck, shoulders, back, wrists, elbows and migraine headaches?
It’s a new phenomenon that is all-too common side effect of our modern, sedentary lives (no or irregular physical activity) and an occupational hazard condition has been termed “computer neck syndrome”.
The habit of sitting craning your neck with non-stop work staring at the computer screens at the office, in our laps and in bed is very destructive. The human body is not designed to hold the same posture for more than 30 minutes.
Being stuck in this position for hours on end is a source of chronic pain and worsened biomechanics for many people. Foreword head position is a common cause of neck, head, shoulder and back pain and numbness, and can also be the result of injuries like sprains.
If left untreated, it can lead to muscle strain, disc herniation, arthritis and pinched nerves.
Don’t be complacent; the more time passes the harder it is to cure computer neck syndrome and permanent postural dysfunction can result.
Fishkol™ premium collagen will give you natural and effective prevention and healing. Studies have shown that collagen provides benefits for joint and bone health, skin health, speeds healing and a variety of other body functions.
You can expect a distinct improvement in bone density and growth as well as more flexible tendons and stronger muscles.
In short, just the right vital cartilage nourishment you need to solve your computer neck syndrome problems.
Take Fishkol™ collagen and combine with some light exercise or physiotherapy will have synergetic effect to combat computer neck syndrome most effectively.
For people who do not exercise totally, consuming Fishkol™ collagen actively become crucial for your joint and bone health.

Fast Healing To Sports & Exercise Injury
Almost anyone who exercises on a regular basis will develop an ache, pain or sports injury at some time or another.
Doing regular exercise and playing sport is good for your health, but can occasionally result in injuries. The number and type of sports injuries are as varied as the individuals who play sports, but some injuries are more likely than others.
Sports injuries are not uncommon and basically can be either acute injuries (wrist fractures, ankle sprains, shoulder dislocations, tears, etc) or overuse injuries (micro-trauma to the bones, and joints such as tennis elbow, swimmer’s shoulder, runner’s knee, etc).

Athletes all too often do not supplement their connective tissues (like ligaments, tendons and muscles) until injury occurs or deterioration sets in, resulting in the typical aches and pains of exercise.
They require protein nutrition to aid muscle growth and repair, but, the majority of protein supplements tend not to contain the raw components needed by the human body to mend related bone and connective tissue injury.
Collagen an Essential Ingredient for Injury Recovery
Collagen ‘contains a very specific and unique profile of amino acids’ as compared to other proteins, including a very rare combination of glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. In fact, it contains much higher glycine and proline than a lot of other protein foods, inclusive any typical whey protein powder.
In addition amino acid hydroxyproline is exclusive to collagen and are NOT found in other protein sources. Hydroxyproline is linked to bodily functions like collagen production, preserve lean body mass, promote wound and cartilage healing, and support joint, bone and connective tissue.
Collagen is a ‘protein targeted for a different purpose’ than broad based whey, casein, egg, soy, hemp, and other proteins. Many sports physicians are recommending collagen supplement for athletes recovering from injury; boosting collagen levels to reduce recovery time and strengthen weakened joints.
It contributes significantly to the rapid restoration of tissue, ligaments, cartilage, joint, bone and muscle injuries. Collagen deficiency during injury delays all aspects of healing.
For bodybuilders this is extremely important because ‘strong muscles and weak joints equal joint injuries’. This is due to the joint can’t handle the increased force from the strong muscle.
Collagen supplement should be taken in addition to a good quality protein supplement in getting the muscle building benefit of the protein supplement, plus the added benefit of the collagen for joints support, flexibility, recovery and strength.
Every time you work out you have micro-tears inside your muscle. Collagen re-builds and repairs the muscle tears which make your muscle in return, grow stronger.
Exactly How Can Fishkol™ Premium Collagen Help Me Heal?
It is a tragedy when sports and exercise-induced injuries limit or discourage others from enjoying the health benefits of exercise. Enhancing recovery from sports injuries is therefore crucial.
However when injury strikes, one aspect of recovery that is often overlooked is nutrition. Injured exercisers often use methods such as rest, ice, stretching, etc. in an attempt to enhance recovery from injury, but frequently overlook nutrition.
If you don’t supply your body with what it needs, especially in times of injury it will breaks down your existing muscle to get the nutrient it needs to function. Muscle is a very expensive “bank account” for the body to draw from!
Taking Fishkol™ Pure Premium Collagen would not only speed the healing and recovery process but also keep minor injuries and micro tears from becoming serious.
Fishkol collagen provides the appropriate proportions of amino acids necessary for your body to synthesis its own collagen and ensures that your body has all the “building blocks” it needs to help repair those injuries.
The reason for this is the fact that collagen is the key component in all the human body’s connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons, cartilage, joints, muscle and the vascular system.
The solution is to elevate the collagen levels in your body so it has the nutrients it needs to speed the healing process.
Fishkol™ collagen is readily bioavailable within minutes of consumption because of its low molecular weight which eases the digestion and absorption of amino acids by the intestinal tract directly into the bloodstream.
This provides the maximum bioavailability and the best possible results.
The Many Uses of Fishkol™ Premium Collagen
Some people age faster than others. The effects of aging differ from person to person, and manifested in various parts of the body. Why? One secret is collagen.
Other than the many various health benefits to collagen, we are continually amazed at the uses we keep finding for Fishkol™ Premium Pure Collagen Powder in some form or other – “Fishkol pure collagen matters, for skin, nails and hair!”
Using Fishkol™ collagen everyday can be considered as the saving source of your youthful appearance and beautiful skin. Renew and restore your natural youthful growth.
Among Fishkol™ Pure Premium Collagen benefits, it has been shown for:-
- Improves skin moisture level and suppleness
- Prevents formation of deep-wrinkles
- Improves skin smoothness
- Improves skin complexion
- Reduction of UVB induced skin damage
- Promotes younger looking skin with firmness
- Improves joint health by strengthening cartilage and joint structure
- Helps to repair joint matrix degeneration
- Prevents arthritis, joint pain on the knee, shoulder, back-ache and other joint disease
- Enhances joint comfort and mobility to reduce joint pain
- Fast recovery for exercise and sports injury
- Restores bone mineral density
- Increases bone strength and reducing the risk of fracture
- Prevents bone disease such as osteopenia (bone loss) and osteoporosis
- Assist recovery of spinal injury and other bone injuries/fractures
Why is Fishkol™ Pure Premium Collagen so good for us:-
- Slow the effects of aging to gain more mobility, strength and fitness
- Reduces fatigue by increase your energy levels
- Protects you against joint and bone disease
- Expedite the recovery of your joint, bone and muscle injuries from sports or exercise
- Allows you to enjoy life again by relieving your constant back and joint pain whether from aging wear, tear or injury
What Consumers Like You Thinks of Fishkol™ Premium Collagen?
“I was suffering from almost full-thickness degenerative tear on my right shoulder and was advised to undergo corrective surgery. However as I’m not keen on surgical means, I opted for chiropractic treatment and daily intakes of Fishkol collagen. Within 2 months I’ve gained back the use of my arm. The range of motion in my arm and shoulder has improved dramatically and relieved from pain.” — Madam Lee Yoke Kuan, 82 years old
“After 3 weeks of consuming Fishkol collagen, I noticed I get tired less and endure longer working hours at my work desk. I also enjoy a longer game of weekend basketball. The best part is there’s no more post-game joint and back pain that normally last a day or two. Walking up and down the staircase too has become almost effortless!” — Mr Lim Ho Yen, 46 years old
“After a week of consuming Fishkol, I have more energy keep up with my four children. Most importantly, I noticed my skin’s hydration and resilience have been restored while lines and wrinkles seem to fill in.” — Madam Tan Ai Ngo, 45 years old

FGC-W300 –Fishkol™ Premium Collagen | FGC-W150 –Fishkol™ Premium Collagen |
RM385.00 | RM198.00 |
- Both packages include a 5g scoop and a carrying bag
- Storage: cool and dry place
- Delivery for West Malaysia within 3 business days and East Malaysia within 5 business days
- Delivery by Poslaju
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P.S. If you, or someone you love, suffers from bone or joint health issues such as trigger finger, arthritic knee, shoulder and back pain, I urge you to try Fishkol™ premium collagen to improve the quality of life and maintain one’s independence. By taking Fishkol™ collagen, walking will become a carefree pastime. You will be more mobile and pain-free than you’ve been in years.
P.P.S. Fishkol™ collagen is 100% all-natural pure premium collagen without mixing with any other ingredients / substances or vitamins to impede the effects of the collagen or compete for absorption. It is the most economical approach and effective collagen product that one can buy. Your surest route to vibrant health!
P.P.P.S. With Fishkol™ collagen it is relatively easy and important to make changes that can dramatically improve your joint and bone health… your skin… your eyes… your organs… and other biological systems.